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APF award - page 4

APF Inspiration Award VII, The Nominees are

in APF award/Best of street photography/Street Photography by

Total of 4,088 photographs from all over the world were posted for this award.

Fill The Frame refers to shooting photographs that are generally complex in composition and layered with multiple subjects. The thought process behind this technique is to simply fill as much of the picture with subjects and elements as possible. Photographer tries to freeze a moment in time where all present in the scene are bound together in some invisible symphony.

You can see the top entires on the slider above.

The results will be declared on the 10th of March 2016, do watch out.

Thank you all for taking part in this award, APF Inspiration award VIII will be held between 15th-22nd Mar, 2016. For more details join, APF magazine street photography group on FB.

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